S.A.Motolygin, M.G.Sadovsky, D.A.Chukov. Model of population with optimally migrating individuals. // Journal of General Biology. 1999. V. 60. Number 4.

Krasnoyarsk State Technical University, Institute of Biophysics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Science


The new model was proposed to study the dynamic of spatially distributed populations with non-random migrating individuals. All migrations are resulted in maximization of the average net reproduction rate taking into account the cost of migration. The model belongs to a box type: individuals migrate between two stations and have complete information about living conditions both in the stations of residence and migration. The information is determined by dependence of reproduction rate on the abundance of individuals in the station. Numerical experiments showed that taking into account the goal-directed migrations caused the following effects: significant extension of the value of external conditions leading to the stable existence of population; increase in the average abundance of population; broadening of the observed set of dynamic regimes. The limitation of the model application are discussed.