Zoological Muzeum, Moscow M.V.Lomonosiov University, Bolshaya Nikitskaya ul. 6, Moscow 103009, Russia
Theoretical foundations of evolutionary cladistics can be elaborated as a non-formal axiomatic systems. Its axioms are statements about properties of phylogenetic process and pattern, while its inferring rules are principles of phylogenetic reconstructions. Of two possible models, dynamic (evolutionary) and static (typological) ones, the former should be taken as primary: it is process that generates the pattern, and at least some properties of the pattern are deducible from properties of the process, not vice versa. On the basis of this model, axioms of structuring, decomposition, and mutual similarity of phylogenesis and semophylesis are proposed. It is suggested that principles of cladistics should be divided into general and special ones. The general principles are those of relativity, shot distance action, general parsimony; the special principles are those of cladistic reduction, correspondence, sister group, synapomorphy, uncertainty, special parsimony, pattern "temporation", cladistic scenario, and synapomorphy accumulation (the both lists are not exhaustive). According to principle of correspondence, typological model serves as a mean for developing particular phylogenetic hypothesis in the framework of general evolutionary model.