A.P.Poltorakov. An analysis of survival curves by the model of vital receptors . // Journal of General Biology. 1999. V. 60. Number 6.

N.N.Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Science, Kosygin ul. 4, Moscow 117977, Russia. e-mail: poltorakov@mtu-net.ru


Model of vital receptors (MVR) provides a good fit to the experimental survival curves. The main types of survival functions (E - exponential, W - Weibill, GM - Gompertz-Makeham) are analysed by the model. Equations are obtained for the dependence of mean life time, variance and standard deviation of the kinetic parameters of the reactions of receptor's inactivation, formation and destruction of inactivators. New characteristic of GM-function are proposed, viz. the initial relative rate of inactivation (or initial force of mortality), the constant of destruction and the initial balance for rates of destruction and formation of inactivators. Three main types of survival curve changes have been obtained by variations of model parameters. The real human survival curves have been analysed in terms of MVR. The possible mechanisms of sex differences in survival were discussed.