
No. 36, Vol. 1, 2002


Biodiversity, taxonomy, ecology

Zhurbenko M.P. Lichenicolous fungi of the genus Cercidospora (Dothideales, Ascomycota) in the North of Russia // Mycol. and phytopat. No. 36, Vol. 1, 2002. P.3-10

An annotated list of 12 species of lichenicolous fungi from the genus Cercidospora known from Russia and a key to the currently know species of the genus are presented.

Zmitrovich I.V., Spirin V.A. A contribution to the taxonomy of corticioid fungi. II. The genera Serpula, Serpulomyces gen. nov., Amylocorticiellum gen. nov. // Mycol. and phytopat. No. 36, Vol. 1, 2002. P.11-26

Seven species belonging to Serpula (Pers.) Gray and satellite genera are treated in detail. Two new genera (Serpulomyces Zmitrovich and Amylocorticiellum Spirin et Zmitrovich) as well as one new species (Amylocorticiellum sinuosum Spirin et Zmitrovich) are described. New specific combinations proposed as A. cremeoisabellinum (Litsch.) Spirin et Zmitrovich, A. molle (Fr.) Spirin et Zmitrovich, A. subillaqueatum (Litsch.) Spirin et Zmitrovich, and Serpulomyces borealis (Romell) Zmitrovich.

Korolyova O.V., Anishenko I.N., Terent’eva N.G. Intraspecific variability of morphometric characters of ascomycetous fungi from plant communities of Lower Dnieper arenas (Ukraine) // Mycol. and phytopat. No. 36, Vol. 1, 2002. P.27-34

A comparative study of intraspecific variability of morphometric characters of 10 species of Ascomycota s.l. (from orders Dothideales, Sordariales, and genus Strickeria) in communities of various types of vegetation in the Lower Dnieper arenas was carried out. It was established that species Cucurbitaria obducens, Coniochaeta pulveracea, Lophiostoma caulium, Lophiotrema duplex, Pleospora herbarum and Ophiobolus acuminatus are characterized by a small degree of differentiation of their populations by the spore sizes; that differentiation is significant for Leptosphaeria doliolum and L. kalmusia, but Strickeria dura and Lophodermium arundinaceum show the highesst intraspecific differentiation by the investigated parameters. The diversity of microclimatic conditions of ecotopes in various vegetation types stimulates the high amplitude of variability of morphometric peculiarities of the ascomycetous fungi in the structure of investigated plant communities.

Nezdoiminogo E.L. Agaricoid macromycetes of the archipelagoes of Franz-Josef Land and Severnaya Zemlya // Mycol. and phytopat. No. 36, Vol. 1, 2002. P.35-42

The article is based on analysis of the collection deposited in the Mycological Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (St. Petersburg, LE). The material was brought by botanists (not mycologists) from expeditions to Arctic areas during 1950 – 2000. The list of revealed fungi includes 18 species from 8 genera of agaricoid fungi. All of them are found in Severnaya Zemlya archipelago, 4 species are from Franz Josef Land archipelago. Galerina arctica, G. pseudocerina, G. pseudomycenopsis, Omphalina ericetorum and O. luteovitellina are the most common species in zonal plant communities of polar deserts. For plant communities with Salix polaris and Dryas punctata (wich are remind northern arctic tundras) Cortinarius favrei, C. subtorvus, C. oreobius and Russula sp. are the most characteristic species.

Osipyan L.L., Grigoryan K.M., Yusef O.A. Contamination of soya seeds and soya flour by micromycetes and mycotoxins // Mycol. and phytopat. No. 36, Vol. 1, 2002. P.43-47

Analysis of soya seeds imported in the Republic of Armenia, supposedly genetically modified, showed 11 species of fungi-contaminants from genera Aspergillus, Penicillium, Stemphylium, Fusarium. The most specific diversity of contaminants has been exhibited in the samples from the U.S.A. and Canada – 7 species, and from Spain – 5 species.

Mycotoxins have been found in 4 samples of seeds from 12 studied. In two of them toxin amount exceeded the allowable concentration: aflatoxin B1 – 15 mkg/kg, zearalenon – 2000 mkg/kg. Similarly, in 3 from 5 samples of soya flour imported from Spain there has been found aflatoxin B1 20, 30, 50 mkg/kg respectively and in one sterigmatosistin 150 mkg/kg.

Kharkevich E.S., Moskalenko T.M., Sakharova T.G., Fedchenko V.A., Zhdanova N.N. The resistance of chitin and chitosan to fungi: criteria for its estimation // Mycol. and phytopat. No. 36, Vol. 1, 2002. P.48-54

The resistance of chitin and chitosan (from industrial waste) to fungal action was studied. Fungal species for this study were isolated from air and polluted water. It was shown that the main factor for destruction of chitin containing substrate is pH value. Search for chitin- and chitosan-destructive species among fungi from above mentioned group seems to be very perspective.

Physiology, biochemistry, biotechnology


Badalyan S.M. The culture collection of macroscopic fungi of the Laboratory of experimental mycology in Yerevan State University // Mycol. and phytopat. No. 36, Vol. 1, 2002. P.50-57

The list of macromyceted deposited in the culture collection of the Laboratory of experimental mycology of Yerevan State University is presented. The colltrnion includes almost 100 strains of 37 species of macromycetes isolated from different geographical regions of Armenia and from the territory of the former USSR and European countries. Some species were received by exchange from foreign collections (Russia, Ukraine, France, Germany, Italy, USA).


Phytopathogenic fungi

Grishechkina S.D., Smirnov O.V., Kandybin N.V. Fungistatic activity of different Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies // Mycol. and phytopat. No. 36, Vol. 1, 2002. P.58-62

Fungistatic activity of Bacillus thuringiensis entomocidal biopreparation is described. Some serotypes of BT demonstrated various levels of fungicidal effect. The perspectives of practical application of multifunctional BT preparations are discussed.

Mikhailova L.A., Gultyaeva E.I., Kokorina N.M. Laboratory methods of cultivation of wheat tan spot causal agent Pyrenophora tritici-repentis // Mycol. and phytopat. No. 36, Vol. 1, 2002. P.63-67

Laboratory methods of wheat tan spot causal agent cultivation on artificial media, ascospores obtaining and study of plant resistance and pathogen virulence were developed. The best results were obtained and study of plant resistance and pathogen virulence were developed. The best results were obtained on media containing (1) 150 ml/L mixture of vegetable juices (beet, parsley, carrot, tomato 4: 3: 2: 1, correspondingly) and (2) decoctions of beet, parsley, carrot and tomato juice (60 g/L, 0.5 g/L, 30 g/L, 50 ml/L, correspondingly). The more suitable method for ascospores obtaining is to grow fungus on Mellilotus albus stem cuttings. Also the method of evaluation of plant resistance using detached seedling leaves preserved in 40 ppm benzimidazole solution is suggested.

Sidorov I.A., Chkanikov D.I., Sidorova T.M., Ivakhnenko O.A. Effect of wheat plant extract on spore germination of phytopathogenic fungi // Mycol. and phytopat. No. 36, Vol. 1, 2002. P.68-71

In wheat varieties with different resistance to rust diseases variations in biosynthesis of antifungal compounds (in uredospore germination) were revealed. There were considerable differences between inoculum activities of sexual and asexual fungus forms. This was attributed to differences in the content of native fungistatic compounds extracted with methanol from wheat varieties with different resistance to Fusarium head blight.


Azbukina Z.M., Markova J. In memory of Zdenek Yaroslavovich Urban (1923 – 2000) // Mycol. and phytopat. No. 36, Vol. 1, 2002. P.72-73

Levitin M.M. In memory of Arutyun Khristoforovich Sarkisov (1908 – 2001) // Mycol. and phytopat. No. 36, Vol. 1, 2002. P.74-75

Abstract of the reports held at the Commission on biodeterioration (Russian Botanical Society) // Mycol. and phytopat. No. 36, Vol. 1, 2002. P.76-78