## Dactylorhids (reduced data) SPECIES preliminary species determination (two species: Dactylorhiza incarnata and D. maculata) P.HIGH Plant height, from the ground to the top of inflorescence, mm LEAF.L Length of longest leaf, mm LEAF.W Width of longest leaf, mm LEAF.SP Leaf spot presence (1 none, 2 weak, 3 heavy) SPUR.L Spur length, measured underneath the spur, mm LIP.L Lip length, from the base to the top of middle lobe, mm LIP.W Lip width, mm MIDD.L Length of middle lobe of the lip, from the base to the top of lobe, mm LATER.L Length of lateral lobe of the lip, from the base to the top of lobe, mm LIP.COL Lip color (0 yellow, 1 white or nearly white, 2 pink, 3 dark pink)